
Debts to the cooper


I, Coenraad Meijer, corporal on the ship The Unity, declare that I owe a sum of 22 Dutch guilders to Adriaan Hillebrand. I promise to repay this sum upon arrival in my native country at the first summons, binding to this all my goods, monthly wages and other moneys earned on this ship or to be earned on other ships.

Say ƒ 22 Dutch guilders

Actum on board of the ship The Unity on May 10th, 1762

[signed] Coonrad Meijer


I, Jacobus Rankin, declare to owe a sum of 13 guilders to Adriaan Hillebrand, first cooper on this ship, which I promise to pay back faithfully and honestly on completion of the journey.

I say the sum of 13 guilders.

[signed] Jacobus Rankin

Actum on board of the ship The Unity on May 10th, 1762


I, Anoldus Maghielsen, sailor on the ship The Unity, declare to owe a sum of 20 guilders and 16 nickels to Adriaan Hillebrand.. I promise to repay this sum upon arrival in my native country at the first summons, binding to this all my goods, monthly wages and other moneys earned on this ship or to be earned on other ships.

Say ƒ 20: 16

Actum on baord of the ship of The Unity on May 10th 1762

[signed] Arnoldus Machielse