
Elmina, Ghana

First mate’s logbook

In the morning we had a rainy sky and the wind came from the land. In the forenoon our captain came back on board. It was mostly quiet and in the afternoon we got a gentle breeze from the SW. We raised anchors and set sail. After 5 Glasses (in a watch)The length of the watches was measured using an hourglass filled with sand. Each watch consisted of 8 half-hour glasses, marked by bells. glasses in the dog watches had run out we anchored at Ghana Elmina Castle at 7½ 1 fathom = 6 feet (170 cm) fathom ground. We had the fort to NW and we fired 7 As a request to trade. shots. Here we found anchored the ship The Publicola, commanded by captain Van Bel from Rotterdam, to buy slaves. Later in the evening and at night we had a gentle breeze from S. We bought a male slave. The weather was good until the morning.