
Letter from the Captain

Captain’s letter

On the Commercie Compagnieship The Unity, October 2, 1761

Most honorable Sirs, directors of the Commercie Compagnie,

I hope this letter will find you and your highly distinguished families in such excellent health as I, in God’s goodness, find myself to be. This letter serves to inform you first of all that I have raised the anchor around six thirty yesterday morning and set sail. We passed the city of Flushing around eight o’clock, after which we came to a halt around eleven o’clock at the gallows. When there was wind, it came from SE, SW and also from NW. This morning I set sail at 9.30, together  with captain according to the chief mate’s logbook, his name was G. Boef and he commanded the ship Essequebo’s Prosperity, which arrived from FlushingGerret Boos.

I hope and pray that the Almighty will bless our voyage so that we may begin it as we hope to complete it: in His name and to His honor and glory.  I also wish you and your distinguished family all health and blessings from God above and pray that this year and the many that will follow may be years of joy –  hoping that in this the Almighty may hear.

When the pilot according to the chief mate’s logbook, this happened at half past 1 after the last buoy was passedleft our ship, I had nothing of importance to relay to your honorable sirs.

Sailor Anthonij Battram is not present on board of our ship. All the members of the crew find themselves in good health, thanks be to God.

With which I remain, after gracious greetings to you and your honorable family and recommending them to God’s holy protection, and with all esteem and reverence,

Your honorable gentlemen and directors,

Your attentive and obedient servant,

Jan Menkenveld


Most honorable Sirs, Directors of the Commercie Compagnie of Middelburg in Zeeland

On the snow ship The Unity, captained by Jan Menkenveld, of the Commercie Compagnie, berthed at a buoy at sea the 2nd of October 1761

Received October 3