Second auction held in Guyana Rio Berbice
22 July anno 1762
- No 67, a man, ƒ 345:0, to Jan Broer, guarantors: Beekveld & Wallenson
- No 68, a female, ƒ 280:0, to Schook q.q., guarantors as previous
- No 69, a man, ƒ 335:0, to Schermmeester, guarantors: Schook & George
- No 70, a boy, ƒ 115:0, to Maisoneuve, guarantors as previous
- No 71, a girl, ƒ 215:0, to Wijs
- No 72, a man, ƒ 310:0, to Schermmeester, guarantors as previous
- No 73, a female, ƒ 465:0, to Pl. Frekenhorst & Laegendal, guarantors as previous
- No 74, a man, ƒ 325:0, to Kunckler, guarantors: d’heer gouverneur & Hosch
- No 75, a female, ƒ 265:0, to Schook q.q., guarantors as previous
- No 76, a boy, ƒ 165:0, to Dell, guarantors as previous
- No 77, a girl, ƒ 195:0, to Starrenberg, guarantors: Meijers & Weijland
- No 78, a man, ƒ 335:0, to Pl. Frederiksburg, guarantors: Schumacher & Gelskerke
- No 79, a female, ƒ 300:0, to Schook q.q., guarantors as previous
- No 80, a man, ƒ 355:0, to Schermmeester, guarantors as previous
- No 81, a female, ƒ 315:0, to Kunckler, guarantors as previous
- No 82, a boy, ƒ 185:0, to Pl. Elisabet & Axel Alexand, guarantors: Van Staeden & de Graeff
- No 83, a girl, ƒ 225:0, to Meijers, guanrators: guarantors as previous
- No 84, a female, ƒ 215:0, to Pl. Engelenberg, guarantors: Mittelholtzer & Dell
- No 85, a boy, ƒ 115:0, to Weduwe Barkeij, guarantors as previous
- No 86, a girl, ƒ 195:0, to D’heer gouverneur, guarantors: Schook & Stubbeman
- No 87, a man, ƒ 310:0, to Pl. Frederiksburg, guarantors as previous
- No 88, a female, ƒ 270:0, to Maisoneuve, guarantors as previous
- No 89, a female, ƒ 265:0, to Schermmeester, guarantors as previous
- No 90, a man, ƒ 300:0, to Pl. De Gennes, guarantors as previous
- No 91, a female, ƒ 300:0, to Schermmeester, guarantors as previous
- No 92, a boy, ƒ 95:0, to Captain Camp, guarantors: Bas & Beekveld
- Man: 34
- Woman: 32
- Boy: 15
- Girl: 11
- Total: 92
Transporteere op pag. 88 ƒ 22.060:0
page 88
From page 87 ƒ 22.060:0
- No 93, a female, ƒ 200:0, to de Graeff, guarantors as previous
- No 94, a man, ƒ 350:0, to Pl. Lagendal & Frekenhorst, guarantors as previous
- No 95, a female, ƒ 305:0, to Gelskerke, guarantors: Schermmeester & Bocht
- No 96, a man, ƒ 260:0, to Reijmers, guarantors as previous
- No 97, a female, ƒ 215:0, to Schoock, guarantors: Schermmeester & George
- No 98, a man, ƒ 310:0, to Maisoneuve, guarantors as previous
- No 99, a man, ƒ 205:0, to Do Ramring, guarantors: Beekveld & Bocht
- No 100, a female, ƒ 345:0, to Harkenroth for Wijs, guarantors as previous
- No 101, a man, ƒ 310:0, to George, guarantors as previous
- No 102, a female, ƒ 215:0, to Hosch, guarantors as previous
- No 103, a man, ƒ 210:0, to The Lord Governor, guarantors as previous
- No 104, a female, ƒ 240:0, to Kunckler, guarantors as previous
- No 105, a man, ƒ 215:0, to Pl. Vreedenrust etc, guarantors: Schermmeester & Mullers
- No 106, a man, ƒ 270:0, to Kunckler, guarantors as previous
- No 107, a man, ƒ 215:0, to Widow Barkeij, guarantors as previous
- No 108, a female, ƒ 205:0, to Harkenroth, guarantors as previous
- No 109, a man, ƒ 275:0, to Pl. Frederiksburg, guarantors as previous
- No 110, a female, ƒ 225:0, to Harkenroth, guarantors as previous
After noon
- No 111, a man, ƒ 370:0, to Schermmeester, guarantors as previous
- No 112, a female, ƒ 300:0, to Pl. Helvetia, guarantors as previous
- No 113, a man, ƒ 300:0, to Pl. Vreedenrust, guarantors as previous
- No 114, a female, ƒ 365:0, to Pl. Engelenburg, guarantors as previous
- No 115, a man, ƒ 335:0, to Harkenroth, guarantors as previous
- No 116, a boy, ƒ 175:0, to Kunckler, guarantors: Samuel Jolij & Gelskerke
- No 117, a girl, ƒ 105:0, to Schermmeester, guarantors as previous
- No 118, a man, ƒ 345:0, to Schook q.q., guarantors as previous
- No 119, a female, ƒ 270:0, to idem, guarantors: idem
- No 120, a man, ƒ 265:0, to Schermmeester, guarantors as previous
- No 121, a female, ƒ 215:0, to idem, guarantors: idem
- No 122, a man, ƒ 365:0, to Wijs
- No 123, a boy, ƒ 100:0, to Wijland, guarantors: Wallenson & Beekveld
- No 124, a girl, ƒ 70:0, to Wallenson,guarantors: Harkenroth & Beekveld
- No 125, a female, ƒ 295:0, to Pl. Vredenrust, guarantors as previous
- No 126, a man, ƒ 320:0, to Gelskerke, guarantors as previous
- No 127, a female, ƒ 310:0, to idem, guarantors: idem
- No 128, a man, ƒ 385:0, to The Lord Governor, guarantors as previous
- No 129, a boy, ƒ 160:0, to Mulder, guarantors: Beekveld & Bocht
- No 130, a girl, ƒ 100:0, to De Graeff, guarantors as previous
- No 131, a female, ƒ 255:0, to Muller; guarantors as previous
- No 132, a man, ƒ 340:0, to Kunckler, guarantors as previous
- No 133, a female, ƒ 300:0, to Pl. Engelenburg, guarantors as previous
- No 134,a man, to Schook q.q., guarantors as previous
- No 135, a female, ƒ 305:0, to Gelskerke, guarantors as previous
- No 136, a man, ƒ 355:0, to The Lord Governor, guarantors as previous
- No 137, a boy, ƒ 55:0, to Hendrik Meijers, guarantors as previous
- No 138, a girl, ƒ 215:0, to Widow Zubli, guarantors: Gelskerke & Beekveld
- Man: 55
- Woman: 49
- Boy: 19
- Girl: 15
- Total: 138
To page 89 ƒ 34.010:0
page 89
From fo. 88 ƒ 34.010:0
- No 139, a man, ƒ 390:0, to George, guarantors as previous
- No 140, a man, ƒ 340:0, to Kunckler, guarantors as previous
- No 141, a man, ƒ 355:0, to Schook q.q., guarantors as previous
- No 142, a boy, ƒ 170:0, to Jan Andreas Muller, guarantors as previous
- Man: 58
- Woman: 49
- Boy: 20
- Girl: 15
- Total: 142
Sum ƒ 35.265:0