
Drained brandy

Council’s declaration

Declaration of the drained anchors brandy on the ship The Unity in 1762

We, officers employed by the honorable directors of the Commercie Compagnie in Middelburg, Zeeland, sailing on the ship The Unity declare as requested by our captain Jan Menkenveld,

that on the 7th of December 1761 we noticed when examining the fore hatchway that an anchor of brandy marked ADP and half an anchor marked KA had drained. The staves of the barrels, which were placed next to each other, had burst, which caused the noted drainage.

On the 30th of December 1761, another anchor (marked CVC) drained, again due to burst staves.

On the 29th of January, we noticed that again, three anchors had drained, of which two were marked ADP and one CVC.

We furthermore declare that on the 15th of March 1762 we noticed that an anchor marked ADP had drained.

Again on the 19th of April 1762, three anchors and a half drained: one and a half marked KA, one marked ADP, and one marked CVC, which were all caused by the bursting of the staves.

We hereby close our declaration, having given the reasons of the drainage of the anchors.

Actum on board of the ship The Unity on the 17th of June 1762

Chief mate, Daniël Pruymelaar

Second mate, J. Schutz

Third mate, Adriaan de Puijt