We had a moderate topgallant sail S breeze in the morning and forenoon with a misty sky. We bought 2 boy slaves, No. 62 and 63, with a tusk. With 6 The length of the watches was measured using an hourglass filled with sand. Each watch consisted of 8 half-hour glasses, marked by bells. glasses into the forenoon we raised anchor and set sail, and with 6 glasses into the afternoon we dropped anchor at River CavallaLiberiaCavala at 17 1 fathom = 6 feet (170 cm)fathoms of stiff ground. The river was to the NE by N of us and Whole GrawayLiberiaGrowa was to the N by W of us, we fired a As a request to trade.shot. Throughout the evening and night there was a moderate SSW topgallant sail breeze and a misty sky till morning.