
Atlantic Ocean

First mate’s logbook

In the morning we set the main sail. We had a stiff lower sail breeze coming from the SW to W, with heavy squalls and saw a ship to the NE by N. In the forenoon the wind and the weather were as before. At noon our estimated compound course and sailed distance of the last twenty-four hours was SSW 1/3 W 16 miles, which comes down to the estimated north latitude of 45°27′, longitude 9°8′. We found the actual latitude to be approximately 45°16′. We saw another ship. During the afternoon watch, the dog watch, and the first watch, there was a stiff lower sail breeze coming from the WNW to W, with hard rain showers and wind. During the middle watch these turned into a storm. We took in the lower sails and put them in front of the storm foresail behind the main. We had heavy winds and an overcast sky until morning.