
Paulus Pieterse Kemp ill

Surgeon’s journal

On the 4th day of this month Paulus Pieterse Kemps, the head carpenter from Altona, complained to me about pain in his loins. He had a regular fever and was vomiting. I prescribed three drachm of pulverized emetic and something against the fever (prescription 1). This person had had a continuous fever and illness on his previous journey. He had a dropsy and was a strong drinker. I got him purged a few times, which seemed to make him recover.


Prescription 1: Against ordinary fevers

R/ Misce fac pulvis antefebrilis [mix and make a powder against fever] dose: ℈ II

  • Oculi cancri [gastro stones of the crayfish]: ℥ III
  • Corallum rubrum [red coral; antipyretic]: ℥ I
  • Cornu cervi usti [burnt cornu-cervi]: ℥ ß
  • Antimonium diaphoreticum [diaphoretic antimony]: ʒ III
  • Sal nitri [saltpetre]: ℥ I
  • Croci orientales [saffron]: ʒ I
  • Oleum macis [nutmeg oil]: Gutta, plural guttaeDrop.guttae XXX


  • ℈ scruple = 20 grain, so approximately 1,3 g
  • ʒ drachma = 3 scruple, so approximately 4 g
  • ℥ uncia = ounce = 8 drachmae, so approximately 31 g
  • ß = ½ of the given amount